¡Haga clic aquà para comunicarse con nuestro coordinador de atención al cliente sobre cómo trabajar con Ariel!
Las especialidades incluyen:
-Adultos (18+)
-Neurodiversidad (autismo , TDAH, etc.)
-Afirmación de perversión y poliamor
-Peso neutral y afirmación HAES
-Ansiedad y depresión
-Problemas de relaciones y lÃmites
-Afirmación trans y no binaria
-Afinidad con el fandom y la cultura alternativa.
-Transiciones de vida
-Manejo del estrés
-Equilibrio trabajo-vida
Solo telesalud

Sandra is in-network with Premera, Cigna, Regence, First Choice, Kaiser, LifeWise, Anthem and some other Blue Cross plans. Please be aware that Protea Wellness cannot accept insurance for couple's therapy.
Honorarios de Ariel:
Sesión de 50 minutos para individuos: $195
Sesión de 50 minutos para familias: $195;
Sesión de 80 minutos para parejas: $295.
Sandra Lopez, LMHC, NCC
Pronombres: ella/ellos
Creo que, cuando las condiciones son adecuadas, todos tenemos la capacidad de crecer y sanar. Vivir en este mundo puede ser increÃblemente difÃcil y es normal y saludable pedir ayuda. Ninguno de nosotros puede hacerlo solo y quiero estar ahà para ayudarte a aprender, procesar y encontrar el equilibrio en tu vida.
Como persona blanca, considero fundamental ser consciente de mi posición privilegiada en la sociedad. Tanto dentro como fuera de la sala de terapia, trabajo para mantener una perspectiva culturalmente humilde y una conciencia de las complejas formas en que la opresión actúa para obstruir la curación de todos nosotros.
Me especializo en trabajar con adultos autistas y con TDAH, perversiones y poliamor. Disfruto especialmente aprendiendo sobre los intereses de mis clientes, ya sea un pasatiempo, un fandom o una comunidad local. Encuentro que sacamos fuerza y propósito de las cosas que nos traen alegrÃa. Tengo curiosidad por saber cómo encuentras significado a tu propia vida y cómo puedo ayudarte a encontrar más espacio para la diversión y el juego, asà como para la curación. ¡Después de todo, debemos recordar para qué nos estamos curando!
My approach...
I have a very down-to-earth nature and I aim to make counseling inviting, accessible, and enjoyable. Transparency and honesty from me are just as important as my client’s honesty and openness with me. When we create a therapeutic relationship where you can talk about life’s issues without judgment, change, growth, and healing can occur more easily.
I draw from several therapeutic modalities to adapt to the unique strengths and needs of folks I work with; I primarily work from Adlerian, person-centered, relational-cultural, and strengths-based modalities. I also like to incorporate narrative therapy, bibliotherapy, as well as breathwork and movement to strengthen the mind-body connection.
For most of my professional career, I have worked with preteens, teens, and young adults who are starting counseling for the very first time. I honor the big change they are making in their life to start talking about life’s issues. I admire their hopes of accepting responsibility for their actions, gaining new skills to deal with difficult people in their life, and wanting to learn more about themselves in general. I believe the counseling space is for learning, exploring, and gaining new perspectives and skills.
I acknowledge that oftentimes the problems we think we have may not always be what they seem and I work with folks to understand more about how the world we live in shapes our experiences in life. The hegemonic norms in our society have created systems of discrimination that can impact us daily. Understanding the intersectionality of our individual and communal identities can help us better understand ourselves, the world as we navigate it, and the difficulties we face in life because of the systems of oppression still in place. I aim to give language to these ideas and help folks understand that they are not the problem, but rather the world we live in causes problems for us.
Formación profesional y membresÃas...
I completed my Master of Arts in Education in Counseling, with an emphasis in School Counseling at Seattle University. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) in Washington State, credential
#LH61544776. I continue to expand my education and training in different areas of interest by reading, attending seminars, and completing in-depth courses in counseling techniques.
I have received and maintain a National Certified Counselor certification from the National Board for Certified Counselors. I am a member of the American Counseling Association, American Mental Health Counselors Association, and Washington Mental Health Counselors Association.